Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

Economics Education

Assalamualaikum, wr.wb
Hello, my name is Iid Elma Citra, call me Iid. I college in Tanjungpura University Pontianak, Teacher’s Training and Education Faculty, Study major Economics Education. I’m from Sambas, Pontianak-West Borneo.
I want to tell the reason I go to college and the reason I choose economics education.  The reason I went on to college because it wants to gain knowledge and so easy looking for a job, because when it looking for a job is very difficult if we just graduating from high school. And I want to realize the wishes of my parents to make her children successful. And want to prove to everyone that I would be a successful and can be made my parents proud.
 First, I choose english education. But I was not accepted in English education. And I choose economics education, because it’s a second. I really like a lesson economic, economic always associated with life. And if we like something then we will be able to undergo her easily. My parents also agreed with my choice.
 Just that I can to say, hopefully what I want to be achieved and I can embody the wishes of my self. Thank you..

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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